A few weeks ago, I shared on Facebook that I was craving some TED. Do you ever get like that? These talks are like a shot of inspiration, encouragement, motivation – and some of them are really entertaining. While I don’t watch as many as I used to (because that takes away time from my own creativity), I think it’s important every once in awhile to know what people are up to, the kinds of discoveries they’re making and the stories they share. In fact, I prescribe watching a TED talk as an activity that can help you open up your own creative channels in my workbook, Tuesday Tasks: 52 Activities Designed for an Entire Year of Creativity.
When I reached out to the Let ME Out!! community for suggestions, 3 readers responded. So, for today’s #3ThingsThursday post, I’m sharing with you these talks and my favourite quotes from each. This is a linkup hosted by Pink Chai Living, The Write Balance and Love Laugh Mirch. To link up yourself or read the other posts, please hop over to their sites!
1. Brene Brown’s The Power of Vulnerability (recommended by Susan K.)
I love when she said:
“Connection is why we’re here – neurobiologically, that’s how we’re wired.”
“Shame is the fear of disconnection. Is there something about me that will make me less worthy of connection?”
“In order for connection, we have to allow ourselves to be seen.”
“People who have a strong sense of love and belonging BELIEVE they are WORTHY of love and belonging.”
“You have to be willing to let go of who you think you should be in order to be who you are.” (authenticity as a prerequisite for connection)
2. Stacy Kramer’s The Best Gift I Ever Survived (recommended by Dulcie M.)
I love when she said:
“So the next time you’re faced with something that’s unexpected, unwanted and uncertain, consider…that it just may be a gift.”
3. Seth Godin’s How To Get Your Ideas To Spread (recommended by Kamana S.)
I love when he said:
“Ideas that spread, win.”
“The thing that gets decided what gets talked about…is is it remarkable?”
“We’re now in the fashion business. No matter what we do for a living, we’re in the fashion business.”
“The riskiest thing you can do now is be safe.”
What’s your favourite TED talk? Let me know in the comments and perhaps you will see it in a future post! Thanks to Susan, Dulcie and Kamana for sharing!
So glad you liked the talk by Seth Godin too! Love your 3 Things Thursday and honored to be a part of your post!
Is it really bad that i’ve never watched Ted Talks? I hear about it all the time but never bit. You give compelling reasons to watch so I’ll have to check out your recommended list. Glad to you have you linking up to #3Thingsthursday! I always love reading your posts 🙂
Yes, Salma. It’s bad. Haha! I’m kidding. (Kind of). Hope you check out the ones I posted, plus this one which is one of my all-time favourites:https://www.ted.com/talks/maysoon_zayid_i_got_99_problems_palsy_is_just_one?language=en