by Taslim Jaffer | Nov 17, 2015 | I Love Myself Campaign, Kindness
Countless readers come to my blog through the search term ‘self-love’. It seems we’re all searching for it. I think that’s because we’re starting to believe all those thought leaders who have been telling us since the beginning of time...
by Taslim Jaffer | May 14, 2014 | I Love Myself Campaign, Life Lessons
This post was originally published on April 27, 2012. I am re-posting it today because I’ve been thinking a lot about names again. I have three children with Arabic names that I thought were easy to pronounce, but clearly are not. Inaya (Ih-NAH-yah) becomes...
by Taslim Jaffer | Jan 22, 2013 | I Love Myself Campaign
…you can’t help it. You were born that way. I love this. I really, really love this. When the words came to me as I was creating my Make-A-Wave cards I was filled with this swell of emotion that could only be expressed with a great big YEAH! and of...
by Taslim Jaffer | Jan 15, 2013 | I Love Myself Campaign
Have you ever wondered why at the end of a crazy day of “Hurry up! Let’s go! Come on!” you feel exhausted and…somehow, less farther ahead than you think you ought to be? Me, too – until I read a facebook post by author Lori V....
by Taslim Jaffer | Jan 8, 2013 | I Love Myself Campaign
“I need some alone time, please!” It also stands for: “I will be in my room, if you please don’t need me!” “I just need it to be really, really quiet!” and sometimes, “I have discovered the bathtub also doubles as a...
by Taslim Jaffer | Dec 18, 2012 | I Love Myself Campaign
Do you ever feel laughter-starved? Like honest-to-goodness laughter. Not just a half-smile-before-moving-on-to-the-next-task kind of thing but like a real belly-jiggling-oh-my-face-is-hurting-but-I-can’t-stop kind of thing. It’s not that things...