Try-This Tuesday: Listen ‘Exquisitely’

This task is inspired by a most wonderful public speaking coaching session my co-authors of Heartmind Wisdom and I had yesterday with the amazing Ray Helm. This wasn’t just any kind of public speaking coaching session; we went way beyond the typical speaking...

Try-This Tuesday: Find That Pause

How’s your day?  Busy?  Crazy?  (Those are usually the two answers I get from my husband…sometimes, it’s just one answer as in “Craaaazzzzyyy busy!”)  The busier it is, the crazier it is, the more you need to find time to do this:  ...

Try-This Tuesday: Cease Fire!

I heard a term on the radio last week: the silent war.  It refers to the phenomenon that many mothers experience; as we become more entrenched in motherhood, we lose our identity as individuals.  The deejay went on to explain that eventually mothers have a difficult...