Ideas For Nurturing Emerging Writers

The other day I was approached by a mom of a pre-teen who had, on her own time, written a short story.  The mom asked me to read it over (with her daughter’s permission) to see what I thought.  Here was my first thought – what an amazing mom to take this...

My Daughter Is Developing An Attitude…

…of gratitude!  Which means that after almost 4.5 years of drumming the phrase “You should be thankful” and encouraging her to say “thank you” to every living creature (including her bathwater after she’s bathed) something seems to be sticking!  Every so often...

Who Do You Be Starts As Early As ABC

OK, everybody, look UP!  Do you see her?  My new butterfly designed by Hyedie from happy D designs!  Isn’t she gorgeous?!  And so much more bold and glamorous than the pixelated version I had up before.  I just learned that word, pixelated.  There are SO MANY more...

Coming Across Hidden (i.e. Filed Away) Treasures!

So, this is what happens when I file things away. In the fall of 2008, I attended a one-day workshop called Writing Fiction For Kids.  It was my first classroom setting around writing since first year college when I allowed myself to take Creative Writing 1100 “just...