Living Intentionally – #3ThingsThursday

Not only is it Thursday – which is officially known as the weekend warm-up – it’s a GORGEOUS day! I’m sitting outside in my T shirt, soaking up the vitamin D and feeling so thankful. True to my commitment of using daycare days for myself, I had...

3 Things I Did For Myself Today – #3ThingsThursday

You may have heard on my Facebook page that my youngest has just started part time daycare. It’s only the first week so I’m just getting used to it (i.e. I keep having panic attacks when I go to talk to her or reach for her in the backseat of the car and...

A Simple Message About Art And Us

A bizarre thing happened last week. And the tingles I get when I think about it tell me, it was very important. One evening after dinner, the 5 of us went for a walk through our neighbourhood to enjoy the heat that was lingering after the gorgeous day. We let the kids...

I Just Can’t Fake This Anymore. It’s Not ME.

If you hang out anywhere on the Internet, you’ve probably noticed that photography and graphic design add enormously to the written content out there. There’s no denying that a beautiful image or artistically put-together graphic grabs your attention and...