I’ve always been inspired by quotes. My piano teacher had them all over her studio and I would take some time most lessons, before or after, to peer at them. I memorized the words and repeated them back, enjoying the way they’d roll off my tongue under my breath. I’ve turned to quotes to stir my heart, lift my soul, and motivate me to keep pushing on. During a particularly dark time in my life, I created inspirational, pay-it-forward cards that have travelled the world! People bought them directly from me or from other gift stores like Brick & Mortar Living, and then sent them on international adventures. Recently, I started making digital quotes that you can check out in my Instagram Story Highlights.

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, you may want to throw in a little quote for your friend or lover. To make it easier for you to find the something cute, funny or downright-gushy, I thought I’d share this blog post with you of 61 Valentine’s quotes from ProFlowers.

Here’s one I absolutely love – because after almost 15 years of marriage, I can tell you it is SO TRUE:

Valentine's Quotes, valentine's day, quotes about love, love quotes, taslim jaffer writer

This one is also true and perhaps just as important:

valentine's quotes, valentine's day, chocolates and quotes, love quotes, quotes on love, taslim jaffer writer

What’s YOUR favourite quote on love? I’d love to hear it in the comments! Maybe I’ll even create something for my Instagram stories and tag you in it!

taslim jaffer writer