For Spring break this year, my husband and I decided to take the kids to Victoria, B.C. I actually lived there for a chunk of my early childhood and it’s where my first memories are rooted. Though I’ve been back for day trips as a tourist (especially when relatives or friends visit from other parts of Canada), I hadn’t actually taken a few days to stay there. And I hadn’t visited the home in which I lived with my parents, brother and grandmother in 30 years. It was a nostalgic trip but also an opportunity to create some new memories with my own family.

The three nights we spent there were amazing. We got to do a lot of touristy things and just enjoyed the mild climate as we strolled downtown. And of course, while we were there, we ate some incredible food!

I shared the 5 foods you absolutely must try the next time you are in Victoria for the travel section of Surrey604. A couple of the restaurants were simply lucky finds but I had also asked my Instagram friends ahead of time for some recommendations.

I’m curious to know if you’ve eaten at any of these places – and of course, am always happy to hear your recommendations. I’m sure we’ll visit Victoria again next Spring and this time I want to try new places. Oh, except I am definitely going back to #5 on my list!

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