I love writing for Surrey604.com – a digital publication that showcases the best of where I live. I’m proud to be a Surrey girl; we’re a city in our own right. Often described as Vancouver’s teenage sister, my city is growing into its own unique identity. Writing for this pub lets me keep a finger on the pulse of this mecca of diverse restaurants, businesses, charitable organizations and of course, the people who live here. When the opportunity came up to highlight one of my favourite west coast grocery chains, I happily agreed to share 5 healthy, local food products that would work well at your next dinner party.
The transition from outdoor summer meals to indoor fall comfort foods can be a little awkward. I find myself racking my brain trying to remember what we like to eat that isn’t barbecued or eaten on a picnic blanket. It’s an exciting time too, though. Almost like pulling out the cozy sweaters from your fall wardrobe. But isn’t it even better when you try something new that you fall in love with?
I’m totally that way about food. I have my favourites but love to try new dishes – especially if they’re healthy and supposed to be delicious, too. I like to take companies up on that challenge to see if my tastebuds can be won over by better choices.
Have you tried any of these 5 products? If so, what did you think? And do you have a healthy recipe I can try this fall? I’d love to hear in the comments!
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