Creating a business that aligns with your heart and purpose doesn’t have to be a pipedream, but it’s definitely not always easy. Some days I have boundless energy and confidence, and other times I slump in my chair and ask, what exactly am I doing? One of my most exciting discoveries on this journey is that that question is actually super important: What exactly am I doing here? And above all else, who am I?

Who am I and What exactly am I doing here are fundamental questions to creating a life that is happy, healthy, prosperous and soul-satisfying. And these questions most certainly have their place in business.

This September, my friends Kate Muker (founder of Conscious Divas) and Lara Kozan (co-founder of YYoga and Nectar Juicery) are hosting a heart-centred business retreat called Being Woman. They asked me to share some things about my journey as an entrepreneur. I’ve answered their questions below and have included information on the retreat – be sure to use the coupon code I mention to enjoy a gift bag valued at $50.

What is your definition of success?

I kind of take a Ralph Waldo Emerson perspective of success which essentially is about being happy, fulfilled, conscious and – my favourite part – to leave the world a bit better than I found it. I think the ‘leaving the world a bit better’ part involves our relationships, our environment and the way we earn our living. Success is living on this earth with your soul leading the way and helping others shine their own light. Creating a business around that sometimes seems like having your cake and eating it, too…but really – why have cake if you can’t eat it?

Every entrepreneur has those days when she wants to walk away. How do you get yourself out of a funk when you feel demotivated?

I think about my last day on Earth and ask myself, on that day what choice would I wish I had made in the middle of this funk? To give up? To push forward? To take a day of rest and self-care? The big picture doesn’t allow me to give up because I know I will never regret creating a business that aligns with my heart and soul. I may change direction slightly or add something to my entrepreneurial goals that feels more like ‘me’, or take something away that no longer serves me or my clients. Sometimes the funk just means I need more fresh air or a tea date with a good friend or to play with the kids. I put the ‘funk’ in the bigger picture and then it automatically reduces in size! I have also become conscious of the fact that a funk will usually come right before a burst of creative energy; things are working themselves out on some level which might make me feel low or tired, but then I come out of it with a solution, an idea or a great spark of hope. Knowing this helps me get through the funky parts a little easier.

What has been the most challenging aspect of your work?

A heart-centred business requires knowing yourself and your purpose well. It kind of goes without saying: if you are trying to create a business that aligns with your purpose, you should be well-versed in what exactly your soul’s purpose is! And that can take a lot of time, self-reflection, courage, discipline, among other things. It’s an amazing quest; the surprises and revelations along the way are well worth the ups and downs.

But I’ve also been growing my family at the same time which many women can relate to as being a challenge. Having 3 young kids means a lot of juggling and sometimes very small windows to focus on my work. Carving out time for my biz has been an ongoing feat.

Opportunities are everywhere. How do you choose which ones to snatch up and which ones to walk away from?

I wasn’t so good at this before. I did a lot of many things because I felt like I should be doing something. Thankfully, everything has led me to understand what it is I must do and what it is I can pass up. Now I ask myself, if I take this opportunity am I adding to my business, my integrity and my ideal lifestyle, or am I detracting from those things? I will sit somewhere quiet and reflect on this, or write about it in my journal and spill all the why’s and why not’s onto the page.

I have to decide where my time will be spent because that is my most precious commodity. It feels good to be asked to be a part of something, or to create something for someone else. But that’s kind of more ego than anything. Saying ‘no’ to something kindly because it doesn’t align with my big picture was just something I had to learn to do, and now I trust that doing so is actually bringing more of what I truly need into my life.

How do you make your wellbeing a priority?

Oooohhh good question, says the on-again off-again gym member 🙂 This is actually something I am still learning. One thing that helps me is to literally schedule in time for a walk, a fitness class, meditation or whatever self-care activity I need. I have also started spending a lot more time in Nature and making that a part of my lifestyle. That has added so much to my life physically, emotionally and spiritually.

A strong motivator is that I know my wellbeing affects my relationship with myself, my Creativity, and my loved ones. And that helps me squash the guilt that I sometimes feel when taking time for myself.

How does your business impact your closest relationships?

I am a much more joyful person now than I was a few years ago, and every year as I become more authentic in my business and in my life in general, that joy just grows. It definitely spills over into my relationships; my husband gets a kick out of my crazy creative energy and his enthusiasm and encouragement make me fall more in love with him as time goes on. My kids are literally growing up watching their mom navigate life ‘out loud’. I talk to them about what I think about, what I care about, what I am passionate about…and they see me pour those things into my business. It has cultivated a spiritual environment in our home. Because my work is soul-oriented, we talk about those things in our house almost daily, relating everyday events as lessons in a bigger picture. Our conversations and the way we incorporate soulful writing in our home gives me a lot of pleasure and satisfaction.

I think my childhood friends enjoy seeing me shine authentically and I feel so blessed to still have people in my life who have seen me through all this. My business has also brought me some amazing friendships that have turned out to be real soul connections and these people just push me more and more to keep going!

Any last words of wisdom for an aspiring purpose-driven entrepreneur?

Sure! Actually, I just want to reiterate the two questions that I think are the foundation of building the life you want – business included. Ask yourself, Who am I and What exactly am I doing here? often. Sit with those questions in meditation, with your journal, out on a walk in Nature. Don’t get bogged down by them, don’t get discouraged if something doesn’t jump out at you right away. The very act of searching is an enormous part of the journey and you will find answers all around you just by being conscious of the questions!

Thanks for reading my responses – I really hope I get to see you at Being Woman! Here’s the important information and the coupon code for your $50 gift bag!

Being Woman is an intimate one-day retreat for women who are ready to realize their full potential in business and life. This unique event gives you the tools required for continuous personal growth, success and abundance.

On September 19th/20th you will overcome your limits by learning to connect to your WHY – on a daily basis – and tap into a business that is aligned with your authentic self.

Use code BWTJ for a giftbag that promises to nourish your mind, body and soul ($50 value). Besides the retreat, you also receive a BONUS month-long Own Your Brilliance program that is worth over $600! Space is extremely limited!


See you there!