If you are new to art journaling, or still in the thinking-about-it stage, you might be overwhelmed at the thought of building your supply kit. (Or YOU might be excited, but your credit card might be a little hesitant). That’s kind of the boat I’m in. I’ve been a journaler for the past 27 years and during that time there was maybe a 2 year period when I incorporated other media. I mostly cut out pics and words from magazines, and used crayons and pastels to colour backgrounds or highlight important words. Lately, I’ve been feeling a pull toward using multi-media and learning some new skills at the same time.

For today’s #3ThingsThursday linkup, I’m sharing with you 3 of my favourite art journalers who spill the beans on their must-have tools. You’re welcome.

#3ThingsThursday is hosted by Pink Chai Living, The Write Balance and Love Laugh Mirch. If you want to linkup, just visit one of their sites and add your link!

3 things thursday, #3ThingsThursday, pink chai living, love laugh mirch, the write balance, linkup, blogger linky

1. A few years ago I met a beautiful artist, and probably THE most colourful person I know, Violette Clark. I don’t actually remember how we met, but we have gotten together for tea a few times and she introduced me to THIS:

violette clark, purple juice, creativity, art journal, bees, your passion and creativity


I tried not to drool on the pages as she flipped through her work; paired perfectly with meaningful quotes and her own inner-wisdom were these images and colours that just blew me away.

I asked Violette what her 5 must-have tools are (and then I asked, “So, what do you DO with these?):

1. Pencil – to sketch out the drawing

2. Micron pens – to ink over the pencil (and then erase the pencil lines)

3. Copic markers – to lay down flat colour (eg. colour an entire face with flesh tone markers)

4. Watercolour pencil crayons (Staetler brand) – for shading or adding depth to an object (and if you add water you get a nice watercolour effect)

5. Folk Art paints – to create backgrounds (pro tip: scrape the paint onto the cardstock with a discarded credit card for a quick and easy way to get colour onto the page)

You can grab more tips from Violette on her site, YouTube channel, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

2. Near the beginning of my blogging career, I came across Amanda Fall (then of Sprout magazine, now of The Phoenix Soul). She featured me in the Creativity issue of Sprout magazine in which there was a beautiful how-to for creating inspirational cards. That article plus Amanda’s patience when I asked her a gazillion questions (like, what’s gesso?) led to the creation of my Make-A-Wave cards!

Here’s an example of her creative expression:

amanda fall, the phoenix soul, art journal, anything is possible, collage, art, creativity, mona lisa


Amanda’s 5 must-have supplies are:

1. Magazines for intuitive collage – for tearing out images and words that inspire or excite. Favourite magazines: O, Sunset, Travel & Leisure, Spirituality & Health, Afar.

2. PaperMate flair pens in bright colours – for scribbling words, arrows, circles, exclamation points, question marks and whatever else feels right!

3. Vibrant oil pastels – any inexpensive brand – for smearing loads of juicy colour, often finishing a page with big swoops and defining lines.

4. Notebooks – anything from Moleskine to less expensive versions – as a substrate

5. Scotch tape – a slapdash way to adhere collage bits!

For more creative inspiration, visit Amanda at her site, on Facebook and on Instagram.

3. Last but certainly not least is fellow Vancouver Mom Top Mom Blogger Joyelle Brandt. Joyelle was nominated a year after me and since then I have caught bits and pieces of her multi-faceted creativity on social media. She is a singer, writer, artist and speaker whose life purpose is to help others shine their light. Her story began with violence and sexual abuse and has shaped into a message of kindness, gratitude and hope.

free time, joyelle brandt, art journal, butterflies, clocks, paint, collage, words, writing


Here are Joyelle’s must-haves for creating the beautiful work she does:

1. Acrylic paint – everything from Golden to dollar store craft paint.

2. Stencils – all different brands and some handmade.

3. Ephemera – random tags and bits of packaging.

4. Golden heavy gel medium – for collaging.

5. Various acrylic mediums, including molding paste and fibre paste – for adding dimension.

Read more about Joyelle’s story and be inspired on her site, on Facebook, on Instagram and on Twitter.

Hopefully these suggestions will get you started! I’d like to add my own two bits if I may – you will learn a lot in terms of technique from these lovely artists and others you find on the ‘net…but probably your most essential tool is your own authenticity. Be genuine about what you put on paper and your pages will shine.