I don’t know if I’d still be blogging if I hadn’t been nominated one of Vancouver’s Top Mom Bloggers in 2012. I’d like to think I still would be, but I also know the blogosphere is a big world. There is so much to learn that even if someone did this gig full-time they wouldn’t know all there is to know, to be heard in this vast space. And because I do this so very part-time, I feel like I’m always walking these long corridors, wide-eyed at the paintings on the wall, peering around corners, cautiously going forth at times, unceremoniously bounding into open rooms at other times. Never totally sure what’s around the bend.
But being part of a community of bloggers who are also walking these halls, testing theories to determine best Facebook practices, developing skills in related areas, branching off into other creative endeavours, and working their butts off to bring their readers the best of themselves…it certainly helps to feel less alone in this journey.
Writing is a solitary business, anyway. It exists, largely, in one’s head. You may never know it by simply observing, but a writer is constantly researching. A scientist of sorts: taking mental notes, filing away ideas, remembering smells, tastes, sounds, listening to people’s speech – not just the words, but the tone, the colour, the idiosyncrasies. We get blog ideas by paying attention to what people are saying, what they are asking. We get blog ideas by listening to voices in our head!
And then there’s the actual writing. We type it all up, publish it. Send it out to our readers. Hope we answer the questions that are being asked. Hope we inspire people. Hope that somehow that piece of us lands safely in someone else’s hands.
So, to be able to ask other bloggers about the tricks of the trade, or for a little help getting my messages out, is such a blessing! To be able to have a virtual watercooler station with colleagues joining in from all parts of the Lower Mainland is awesome.
There are 30 nominees each year (selected from a much larger pool of names sent in by readers), so of course, it’s not possible to get to know each woman intimately. But I am lucky that a handful of these inspiring, hardworking, dedicated mamas have become my friends – in real life! And although we share our blogging journeys with all their ups and downs (and sideways-es), we also share our families and heartaches and exciting news.
I feel incredibly proud of my fellow mom bloggers who have started their own businesses as a result of their nomination. From event planners to digital marketers to authors, every celebration of theirs is like a celebration of mine. That’s what it means to be part of a community, and this is a group of women who certainly believes in the power of community.
I am also blown away each year by the new nominees. So many important and beautiful voices who deserve to be heard. Have you checked them out yet?
Would you believe, though, that I have NEVER attended an annual celebration of Vancouver’s Top Mom Bloggers? Not even the year I was nominated? I have either been out of town or pregnant (and sick) these past 3 years but I am THRILLED to say that I will be NEITHER for this year’s celebration!
On Wednesday June 17, I will be hanging out with my mom blogger friends and this year’s new nominees at the new Nicole Bridger location in Gastown (which is fabulous because I have been wanting to check out this Canadian fashion designer for a long time – there’s even going to be a fashion show!). It would be really great to see you there, too! You don’t have to be a blogger to attend…but I can’t promise you won’t turn into one by the end of the night!
Early bird tickets are limited and on sale until June 3. Click over to buy your tickets!
I’m an ambassador for the event this year because I am truly thankful for everything that has come out of my experience. The opportunities have been exciting, and the friendships…invaluable.
P.S. I’ll be sharing more about another sponsor, Happy Baby Cheeks, later this week! If you are a mom of little baby cheeks, stay tuned!