One of my greatest heroes is Martin Luther King, Jr. The man was an outstanding human being – so connected to his purpose and staunch in his faith. I first started reading about the Civil Rights Movement when I was in high school and since then he has been my inspiration. When I have to step out of my comfort zone to do what I believe is important, I think of him. I imagine his strength until I can feel it. I think about what he sacrificed to share the message he came here with and I say to myself, “I can do this!”

It’s easy to feel like a tiny voice sometimes. But then I hear the booming melodic voice of MLK Jr. proclaiming, “I have a dream” and because I share that dream, my voice is loud and sure, too.

Over the years I have blogged about him here, and today I thought I would share those posts with you. Yesterday was the day the world remembered him in an official capacity. But many of us think of him regularly. Every day is MLK Jr. day.

This is a post I wrote about stepping out of my comfort zone – and how I do it with MLK, Jr. in my mind.

Here’s a post from my Tuesday Tasks series, encouraging you to spend time with someone who adds to your Self. I do that by reading MLK, Jr.’s quotes.

And finally, another post from the Tuesday Tasks series, with pictures of the time my family spent in Atlanta, GA visiting MLK Jr.’s childhood home and church.

Please leave a comment with your favourite MLK JR. quote! I’d love to read it! Here are some of mine: