As much as I would love to sit here and write something fabulous – something totally inspiring or fun or thoughtful – I just can’t.

Because this needs to be put away:

And then this needs to be folded:

So does this:

And then these need to go in the dryer, so that later I can fold them and put them away.

I understand that these are blessings. I know how lucky I am that I can neglect the laundry for a few days and my family still has enough in their drawers/closets with which to dress themselves. I would, however, consider myself a tiny bit luckier if these blessings came with their own fairies that did the washing, drying, folding and especially the putting away.

Cheers to a weekend of birthday parties, shopping, a speaking engagement, experimenting in the kitchen, groceries and, of course, football!

Happy Monday! (If you don’t hear from me by Thursday, send for help!)