So, I haven’t put that jean skirt back on. I know living in the Lower Mainland of B.C. I don’t have much to complain about, especially weather-wise. But another week went by and it was too cold for me to even consider that skirt. Or any other skirt, for that matter. I’m so thankful for my leggings and even the jeans. I have ‘leg warmers’ on my wish list this Christmas, though. Brrrr.

One more week to go! Keep checking in on @pinkchai, @shawnadovetail, @salmadinani and @westcoast_mama and cheer them on for the final few days! Here are the looks from this past week:

Day 14 

I wore my black yoga pants and hoodie – and this is why I normally don’t dress up! The baby likes to eat my clothes!

Day 15

Day 16

Day 17

Oh? Does this look like what I wore on Day 1 (I don’t actually expect you to remember that…)? That’s because it’s what I wore on Day 17 – except I threw on a black scarf. But I forgot to take a picture that day! As luck would have it, I didn’t really need to! I love it when that happens!

Day 18

Day 19

Day 20  

Day 21

Baby and I here with Bianca, of Bee Communications, and her sidekick, Cloey, at the Just Between Friends consignment sale on Friday. Such a good thing we took pictures that day – I forgot to take a selfie. Again. You’d think I’d have it down pat by now!

And my favourite accessory of the week was my Kindness bracelet created by co-founder of Kindness Foundation CanadaBrock Tully. It has the word ‘kindness’ in several different languages all around the band. But one doesn’t just passively wear this bracelet! The way it works: You put the bracelet on one arm in the morning to remind you to perform a random act of kindness. Once you have done something nice for someone else without expecting anything in return, you move the bracelet over to the other arm. Pretty cool, eh?

Thanks for checking in – what was your favourite look this week?