You know that I love charity endeavours. I have a weak spot for anybody wanting to help someone out of the goodness of their heart (originally spelled that ‘godness’ and on second thought, I could have left it at that). Not out of pity, not because they are ‘better off’ than anyone else, but simply because they are answering their Soul’s call to be who they truly are – which is pure love.
I feel blessed everyday to see the unique ways that people are shining in their natural state of good. And one place that I see it a lot? Twitter! I follow somewhere around the neighbourhood of half a gazillion charitable organizations and so every time I check in on the twitterverse, I catch some pretty awesome tweets. And often, I will retweet them.
A short while ago, I received a message from one of my followers (only in 2013 can we say that without it sounding really creepy…). She wanted to let me know that she caught one of my retweets about a local charity needing volunteers; she felt a tug in this direction and went to a volunteer orientation meeting. She has been a happy volunteer there since.
Do you see how much power you have? Social media has made it easy-peasy for you to do good and for others to benefit. It took me a second to retweet that one message. It would take you an incredibly short amount of time to send out an uplifting, hopeful message that could change someone’s day around.
So I ask you. What can you do with your seconds, your minutes, your hours that could potentially positively impact someone else? When you invest your time in kindness, it always pays both ways.