With one foot in this year and the other foot hovering over the next, I am pinned in a space between what was and what will be. Here I am, with what is, gratitude shivers running up and down my spine. It has been a long time since what is has been this good. Thank you, you freaking amazing Universe. I’m not saying that there weren’t some super challenging moments in 2012 – as you’ll see below – but I am really grateful for whatever it was that kept me going, that allowed me to roll with the punches and most spectacularly, opened me up to the shining gifts that came with one of the biggest blows in my history.
Standing here, perched on this cliff, I am ready to springboard into 2013 and I’m taking this growing Let ME Out!! community with me! You guys are incredible; you inspire me every day to put my best Self out there and that inspiration has served me personally as well as professionally! So, let’s get this show on the road – 2013, bring it on!
Here’s a taste of what I’m looking forward to – I’m not making resolutions, as you know I’m not a fan of those.
I’m making plans to live the heck out of this life in the way that best fits me.
1. This Spring should coax forth some tulips from this pot.
I say “should” because I have never ever planted bulbs in my life. These tulips are special; they signify the baby that I lost this summer. As you may have read here, in the middle of that horrible first night after I miscarried my third child, I heard/felt the message, “Everything is perfect. Everything that is happening is happening for my Highest Good.” Determined to celebrate the amazing faith that I had no idea I possessed, I decided to plant tulips – one of my favourite Spring flowers to mark the season in which I was expecting my baby to arrive. The greater blessing is that many readers were prompted to plant tulips as well in honour of this baby and their own angels. I know tulips will be given a special place of honour for many of us.
2. Guess what, guess what, guess what?! Do you remember the Heartmind Wisdom Collection anthologies I have been so excited about? Collection #1 is being printed at Balboa Press as I type this! That means it will be available in just weeks! And THAT means that Collections #2 and #3 in which I have a chapter will be following soon after! Each chapter allows the reader to get deep into stories of wisdom gained by people who have been there through: depression, loss, bankruptcy, disease…and who are now thriving in their new direction. I’ll keep you posted on their releases and will be blogging more about the messages contained in my own chapters.
3. Did I ever tell you about my incredible dislike of being videographed? Especially speaking on video? Well, now’s a good time to tell you about it since I am releasing myself from this fear in 2013. I have come to the conclusion that what I wish to share with the world is far more important than worrying about what I look like on video, or what my recorded voice sounds like. Seriously. That just can’t stop me anymore. So, it took a lot of guts for me to post this link on my facebook page. It’s a short talk I gave at a non-denominational chapel about the gifts we can find in life’s toughest lessons. (My segment starts at about 41:23). I’m going to keep going on this train for 2013 – and I hope you will join me in changing how you view the the entities that hold you back. (Not sure you can? Drop me a line – we’ll chat!)
4. My fear of the videorecorder is tied in to my perfectionism. If the video quality wasn’t perfect, if my smile wasn’t big enough, if my voice sounded…well, you know how recorded voices sound to their owners…then I absolutely would never want anyone else to lay eyes on it. And I would never have spent that ridiculous amount of time it took me to figure out how to download video on to my PC and then upload it to youtube like I did here:
and here:
In the first video, I’m standing outside the doors of the bookstore that hosted my very first book launch. And at parts, it looks like I have no face! It was a gorgeous, bright day in Cloverdale, B.C. – a bright DECEMBER day, I might add…rare! – and well, now I know which direction I need to be facing next time. The point is, that day was monumental for me and capturing it and sharing it was more important to me than the fact that I look slightly extraterrestrial in it. So, 2013 – please bring me more opportunities to share messages on video. Never thought I’d say that ever.
5. Speaking of books and products, I am planning on 2013 to be a year of more release. Tuesday Tasks had a great launch and December sales were beyond what I expected. Thank you to everyone who has bought a copy or two! Helping others find their creative voices, make time for fun, and journey inward is SUPER important to me! And it hasn’t ended with the release of these 52 tasks – can you imagine that there are more ways than that to coax your authenticity out to play? Stay tuned!
The next big release on my plate that I foresee (sometimes the Universe has others plans and pushes another project in front of the other) is the print edition of What If: 52 Questions for an Entire Year of Self-Discovery. I had an amazing response to the free e-book I gave to new and loyal subscribers and people are literally asking me to get this in print – NOW! Why? Well, I think it’s because we’re stepping into the era of really getting to know who we are and understanding that this knowledge opens up doors to fulfilling careers, lasting relationships and joyful lives.
Well, who am I to stop that from happening?! I don’t have an exact release date yet, but you know I’ll let you know as soon as I do! If you’re not already a subscriber, enter your email address in the box at the top right – you’ll get a sample of Tuesday Tasks and What If. Plus the 2-3 posts I write per week will land in your inbox and you can stay updated on Let ME Out!! news this way.
6. I can’t talk about my books and cards without mentioning some of my fantastic team – my graphics designer Hyedie of Happy-D Designs and Susan Charara of P3 Marketing. Hyedie helps me pretty up my ideas (and keeps me from panicking over technology), and Susan recently boarded ship to help me get my messages and products to you while still maintaining my authenticity and values. These ladies rock! Here’s hoping we have many more conversations that start with, “So, I had this idea…”
7. Speaking of collaborating – I am hoping, hoping, hoping to team up with some ladies I have admired for a lifetime (and I literally have known them that long) to support our global family in various capacities. Can I be more vague? This is an idea that has been germinating for years but is still so tiny, it’s pre-embryonic (if there is such a thing). Whether it’s this way of giving back or something else, I know that my philanthropic side needs to shine more in 2013.
8. In 2012 I bumped into countless personal development bloggers who offer unique products; I had an amazing year test-driving so many of these and proudly became an affiliate. You can catch them all on my sidebar. Super popular have been Jodi Chapman’s Coming Back to Life e-course, Sprout Magazine issues, and Leonie Dawson’s business and personal calendars. In 2013 I will work just as hard to find you tools that I believe would help bring out your fabulousness. I know, it’s a tough job. I get to be inspired and lead a better life just to bring awesomeness to you. 🙂
9. I’ve had so much fun sharing other people’s passion stories with you in my People with Passion interview/guest post series. I started this up regularly around October and I am booked solid through half of February! I’d love to see if we can get through 2013 inspiring world-wide readers every Friday to engage more in their passions and add more joy to their lives! Want to join me? No previous writing experience necessary. We can walk through this together. I’d love to offer you some community space here – you’ll be amazed at how great it feels and how many people you affect with your experiences. Drop me a line!
10. And finally, because I think 10 things is enough for now, I am so grateful for the I Love Myself campaign that came to me just after my hospital release following my miscarriage. My body was literally screaming at me to take better care of myself and I knew that there were many other parts of me that needed some TLC as well. So, every Tuesday since then I have blogged about a self-care tip for your mind, body and spirit. I am always looking for reader suggestions on what they do to take care of themselves. Dr. Susan Biali, who coached me the summer Let ME Out!! was born, made a point to remind me that those of us in the helping professions need to be especially mindful of filling our own cups so we don’t burn out. Makes sense, doesn’t it? So, let’s help each other out in 2013 and create a healthy, happy and productive year!
There you have it! On the last day of 2012, as we all face a new year together, I hope that we continue to share in each other’s journeys and inspire the heck out of each other.
If you’d like to inspire others with this post, please pass it on with some social media love. If you don’t see the buttons below, click on the title of this post and they will magically appear at the bottom.
P.S. Today is the LAST day for my special offer! Buy a Tuesday Tasks book and receive 3 Make-A-Wave cards FREE!
Taslim, what a joy to meet you and work with you this year. You have made Sprout better by being in it. I look forward to growing with you even more in 2013. xoxo
Amanda – the pleasure has been mine. You have brought a lot of colour and creativity to my life with your beautiful magazine. My Make-A-Wave cards were inspired by the Creativity issue! Above all, you taught me to not fear art supplies and I truly appreciate the pointers you’ve given me when I’ve asked questions. <3
Thank you for the kind words Taslim!
Reading this post really affirms how far your online community and business has grown in just one year!!
It’s been great working with you and seeing your ideas come to fruition. Your enthusiasm is infectious and I look forward to learning more about your ideas and projects in 2013!!
Happy New Year!
Hi Hyedie!! Let’s get going on our 2013 projects! I’m so excited! Did you ever imagine in gr. 3 when we first met that we could have this much fun together as adults? Yay!
A very inspiring summary to an amazing story. 2012 was a year of triumph in so many different ways. Thank you for the example you set in overcoming adversity and rejoicing accomplishments. Watch out world, 2013 is just a few hours away!
Thanks, sweetie <3 I couldn't do it without your shoulder to cry on when Life has rocked me to my core. And who better to celebrate anything with but you, my best friend. Here's to another year!
Thank you for this special blog Taslim and all the opportunities that you have presented to people in expecting no less than their best. You are truly an inspiration. Love & Light, Katharine
Ah, Katharine, what a beautiful message – thank you! My world has become brighter with your smile and light. <3
Happy New Year Taslim!
What an extraordinary woman you are, I am blessed to know you. I feel the same as you do right now, I too can’t remember when “what is” felt so rich and amazing. And really it’s the simple things that can make “what is” be that way.
Lots of love to you!
Happy New Year to you, too, Dr. Biali! Thank you for being one of my creative catalysts – the blessing is truly mine. I’m so glad your “what is” is so wonderful! You certainly work hard for other people to feel the same way 🙂
You are an inspiration to me and to many others! Keep up the great work! By the way, you’re a natural in front of the video camera! ;o)
Haha, Janice, you are always so kind. Being in front of the camera doesn’t feel natural to me at all. I used to hide from it all the time even as a child. But thank you – with encouragement like that, I am sure to want to try again! Hope you’re doing well!
Tas… You have a accomplished so much in such a short period of time! You’ve inspired me so much and m so proud of you!!
2013 will be an amazing year of discovery!!!
I love you!!
Thanks so much, Shahina, for everything you have done for me in all the years we’ve been friends. 2013 IS going to be amazing and I’m glad I get to keep journeying it with you <3 Love you, too!
Taslim books and cards! You are a source of inspiration to me! More power to you in 2013 and after…
Thank you, Farrah! I hope it’s a wonderful, inspiring year for you too!