I’m very excited to be hosting Jodi Chapman today; I enjoy her inspiring blog posts and am amazed at the beautiful things she has to offer the rest of the world.
I have become an affiliate of her e-course, Coming Back to Life, as you may know from my Facebook posts and by taking a gander at my sidebar under Fabulous Affiliates. It feels wonderful to be able to share with my readers something which I think could benefit many of us. I have gained much from Jodi and hope you enjoy getting to know her through this interview.
Please welcome, Jodi Chapman of Soul Speak!
Hello, Jodi! For those who are meeting you for the first time, please tell us more about yourself.
If you’re just meeting me for the first time, I would love to start by saying hello. 🙂 I’m grateful that our paths have crossed, and I look forward to getting to know you better!
I am an inspirational writer. (I still pinch myself when I write that because it’s such a dream come true.) I am definitely evidence that our lives can change drastically once we make our minds up and begin to leap toward our dreams. (More about that in a bit.) For now, I’ll say that I write the blog Soul Speak, and I am so grateful for the loving community there. I also co-wrote (with my amazing husband, Dan Teck) the bestselling Soulful Journals series – 11 writing-prompt books that make getting to know yourself fun. I am the author of the upcoming book, Coming Back to Life: How An Unlikely Friend Helped Me Reclaim My True Spirit, which is what my new e-course is based on.
I’ve been telling my community about your new e-course because when I read about the content and all the valuable free gifts included, I was floored. It must have been an incredible amount of work to put together – your dedication to helping others definitely shows through. What inspired you to create the Coming Back to Life E-course?
I was given a helping hand when I needed it so desperately, and this course is my way of offering my own hand to anyone else who is stuck and needing to wake up to their own life.
Just two years ago, I was in a very different place. I definitely wasn’t awake. I was feeling lost and numb and completely disconnected from my soul and from all of life. Like so many of us, I was living my life on auto-pilot. I was alive in the sense that my body was functioning – my heart was beating, and I was getting up each day and going to work, but I wasn’t REALLY living. I was just going through the motions – sleepwalking through life – and I wasn’t even aware of it.
And it’s not like this numbing out happened overnight – it happened gradually over a period of many years. Throughout my life, when something or someone hurt me, it felt like a little part of me left. I’ve always been a sensitive soul, and sometimes it was just easier to retreat rather than feel the pain. I also have lived most of my life feeling afraid and stepping back rather than leaping when I was called to take a chance. Also, I had spent several years in survival mode – struggling to get by financially, and I if I did realize that I was numb and needed to wake up and start living, I would’ve seen this as frivolous and not a great way to make sure all the bills were paid. So all of these pains and fears and struggles piled up on top of each other – creating a dark cloud over my heart. It was just easier to go to sleep and not think about it or feel any of it.
Two years ago, all of the struggles in my life came to a head – my husband and I had to move under very stressful and surprising circumstances, we were having a hard time staying passionate about our struggling gift business, we were drowning in bills with no light that we could see at the end of the tunnel, and we had just lost two people who meant a lot to us. So we were grieving and trying to put our life back together at the same time. All I wanted to do was crawl into my bed, pull the covers up, and wake up when everything was better again. I didn’t know how I was going to keep going.
That’s when the helping hand came. My loved one who had just died began communicating with me from the other side. He was my childhood sweetheart, and we hadn’t spoken in almost 20 years. I was definitely not open to this sort of thing at all, so it took an entire year of him sending me signs and me asking for more signs and on and on before we finally could get to work. And once we did, my entire world opened up. He helped me see that being here on Earth is such a beautiful gift – a gift that we have chosen to be a part of. He helped me see that I wasn’t really living. And he helped me wake up and step back into my life again.
Our journey together has been life-changing for me. Everything changed – all because I now saw things through a different lens. I now know that my time here is precious, and I can choose to come back to life. We all can.
That’s why I created this course. I was given this beautiful gift, and I didn’t want to keep it all to myself. I want to be the helping hand for anyone who wanted to start living again and wasn’t sure how to do it.
When you were creating this e-course, you obviously had a certain target population in mind. Can you tell us who you think would most benefit from taking part in this course?
I would be happy to!
This course is for those of us who have ever felt disconnected from life – from our soul. It’s for those of us who have felt our light dimming. It’s for those of us who know that there is more to life than simply getting through the day.
This course is for those of us who are ready to plug back into this magical universe, reconnect with our soul, and open our hearts again. It’s for those of us who are no longer willing to just “get by” and sleepwalk through our days. It’s for those of us who are ready – truly ready – to start living fully.
If you’re ready to:
♥ live fully and love fully.
♥ take responsibility for your life.
♥ push past your fears & reach your dreams.
♥ forgive, let go, and move forward.
♥ see the world with childlike wonder.
♥ reconnect with your soul.
♥ believe in miracles again.
♥ open up to this amazing universe.
♥ join a community of loving souls.
♥ be completely authentic and vulnerable (in a good way).
♥ join a course that comes from the heart and soul.
♥ come back to life.
…then this course is for you!
What can someone expect to learn from this course, and how will it change their life?
I do want to mention that this course can’t change your life unless you are willing to change the way you are living your life. You have to be open to it and you have to be willing to put in the work. That may sound harsh, but it’s the truth. I have read tons of self-help books throughout my life and was always disappointed when nothing changed. Well, it was because I simply read the book but didn’t apply any of the teachings to my own life. I read them like I would read a novel – simply for enjoyment rather than to learn and REALLY change and grow.
If you sign up for this course and simply watch the videos and read through the workbook but don’t apply any of the exercises to your own life, I’m sure you will enjoy everything but I would bet that nothing in your life will change. You have to make the choice to take action. You have to be so fed up with your current way of living that you are honestly ready to make a change. And if you are, then this course really can help you. It’s based on what I went through in my own life, so I know that it works.
Once you decide to wake up and start living fully, you will begin to examine why you stopped living and then you get to figure out how to heal from that, forgive yourself and anyone else that needs to be forgiven, open up to the universe, and begin embracing your life again.
And no, it’s not always as easy as this makes it sound. But once you begin and once you feel that glimmer of hope again – that feeling that you probably haven’t felt in a really long time – you won’t want to turn around. You’ll want to keep moving toward the light. I guarantee it. This course will start you on a beautiful journey that you will continue for the rest of your life.
What do you hope that people will take away after completing the course?
I want them to see that there is another way to live. I want them to really know that we have a choice – we truly don’t have to go through life simply going through the motions and just getting through the day. There is an entire universe out there that we are only just beginning to tap into. Our soul is connected to such a beautiful world – and waking up is the key to experiencing this way of life.
Where can people find out more?
Please click here to go to the Coming Back to Life page.
You will learn all about the course, including each week’s content, a detailed description of all that you’ll receive in the course, and a complete list of contributors!
What else would you like to share with us today?
We have all felt disconnected from our soul and the universe throughout our lives. This is completely normal. And when we feel this way, it can be hard to know how to plug back in. When I was feeling numb, I had a friend help guide me back. That’s why I created this course – to be that helping hand for you. To offer concrete tools and a loving community to support you in your journey back home. I would be thrilled if you joined us. Isn’t it time you woke up and embraced your life again? Isn’t it time we all did?
Thank you so much for visiting us at Let ME Out!! It’s been wonderful getting to know you behind the scenes and I’m pleased to host such a beautiful soul here. Please come visit again!
Thank YOU for sharing about my course here and for all that you’re doing to put so much love and creativity into the world! 🙂
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Thank you so much for sharing about this ecourse, Taslim! I’m so grateful for our connection. I can’t wait for the course to begin! XO
Hi Jodi – it’s always a pleasure to share inspiring programs with my readers. Wishing you and all the Coming Back to Life participants a very fulfilling and joyful experience!
Every cloud has a silver lining!
Best to you and your guests always.
You are so right, Dad. Thanks for stopping by!