How’s your day?  Busy?  Crazy?  (Those are usually the two answers I get from my husband…sometimes, it’s just one answer as in “Craaaazzzzyyy busy!”)  The busier it is, the crazier it is, the more you need to find time to do this:


It’s easy to get caught up in the to-do list, the ticking clock, the looming deadline…but what if I told you it’s just as easy to take a break, take a breath, among it all?

Here are a couple things you may want to try:

1.  Close the door.  Close your eyes.  Breathe in deeply.  Exhale fully.  Repeat.  Repeat again.  Repeat one more time just because it feels so darn good you won’t be able to help yourself.

2.  Take one of those activities you absolutely must do and turn it into a spiritual practice.  That’s right.  Who says you can’t om your way through the dishes?  Who says that drinking your tea can’t be an opportunity to express gratitude?  Rumi said, “There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.”  I say, drinking tea can be one of them.  So can making dinner.  I once felt gratitude while taking out the garbage!  I was bent over, pulling the stinky bag out of the can, noticed my feet and felt a wave of love for them and all they do for me.  And there was my pause.

What do you do to find pause?  Can you share it with us?  We’d love to hear about it!


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