Good morning, everyone, and happy Tuesday!  Here’s a re-run from not too long ago – if you missed it the first time around, here’s your chance to explore it today.  If you already tried this out in April when it was originally posted, have a go at it again this week and see if anything’s changed.


All my life I kept shut about a million things that were important to me.  I hid behind fear, anxiety, shame.  This completely goes against my nature because if there’s one thing we INFJs are, it’s passionate about what we believe in.

All my life I struggled to use my voice.  Recently, I figured out why.  I never had a microphone!  🙂  No, seriously!  I can’t believe how much I love the microphone and the stage and being able to share my convictions with an audience.  Or even just to be able to share myself.


You would think an introvert would resist the spotlight and to an extent that’s true.  It’s not the spotlight that I crave, it’s the attention to my message that motivates me to say ‘yes’ to opportunities of sharing in front of an audience.

After I say ‘yes’, I get the full-meal anxiety deal going on.  I may not sleep the night before, or the night after.  Every pore in my body sweats.  Prior to my presentation, I have to gulp down water so that my throat remains moist (and then pray for a bathroom at an opportune time).  I get hot and cold at the same time.  I’m just not comfortable.  But I’m happy. 

I’m so happy I could weep.

What about you?  What is it that you need to do what you so desperately want to do?  Is there one thing?  Or ten?  Have you made a list yet?  That’s what today’s task is.

Get out a piece of paper or your journal.  You can start with something like In order to __________, I need __________.  Or use a variation of that.

If you’re having trouble with either of the blanks, sit in quiet for a few minutes after you’ve asked your question:  What do I need to do?  What do I need to do it?  Ask them one at a time.  When you get the answer to the first, ask the second question.

If you would like to run anything by me – troubles or blissful moments with this task, or any of the others – please contact me.  I’d love to hear from you!


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