In the planning process, things don’t always happen smoothly.
There’s nothing profound in that statement; we all kind of know it as fact. Increasing the number of uncontrollable factors, and if you recallI am not a fan of uncontrollable factors, will most definitely increase the number of bumps in the road. You can plan on that!
The real question is: are these bumps in the road setbacks or catapultians? (By the way, I thought I made that word up but it’s real! “of or like a catapult”).
In other words, when you hit a bump, do you fall back or do you leap forward?
I like to think I have a choice in which direction I move. A curve ball can be looked at as part of the learning process – something I may be able to avoid next time with some new information gained – or I can let it knock me out and force me to throw in the towel. A plan with a seemingly insurmountable number of roadblocks can be tackled one block at a time or end up in a pile of cancelled dreams.
There’s something I like to remind myself when I’ve lined up all my ducks and I’m just waiting for that Divine Intervention to see me through my good intention. The Universe always answers my prayers, or requests depending on how you look at it. It answers in one of three ways:
- Yes
- Yes, but not now.
- No, We have something BETTER in store for you!
If something I’m planning for hasn’t happened yet, despite me breathing down its neck, I remember the Universe’s 2nd and 3rd answers and I trust. That trust, that faith, is always a leap forward.
In yoga, we are reminded in every muscular posture to reach with the heart. You can try this right now. Sit up straight in your chair. Roll your shoulders back so that your shoulder blades are resting closer together on your back and feel your chest cavity opening up. That is your heart centre, the seat of your soul. In yoga when you lean forward in any posture, you do it with your heart leading the way. Even when your head is going to end up on the floor in a complete surrender, you do it purposefully, reaching and going forward with love.
If I choose to meet life’s challenges in this way, I am sure I will quickly see how easily a roadblock can become a platform for exercising trust, faith, love and surrender.
What will YOU choose?
Hi Taslim I look at bumps as small little things that are put in our way to try and stop us from doing what we are meant to do. So they never stop me just make me push harder towards my goal. Have a great weekend my friend. 🙂
Great attitude, Bill! You have a great weekend, too!