2011 was a freaking awesome year for me.  Like the years before, there were challenges and there were triumphs – but this year will always stand out for me.  It was the first year that I gave myself permission to be who I truly am and trust that those I love will not only be on board, but will benefit from this huge leap.  Though I believe this journey never ends in one lifetime, the hill that I had once felt a burden to climb is feeling more and more like a joyous train ride up a scenic mountainside.  I’m accompanied by beautiful, helpful people and the view gets better and better.  I trust that when the ride gets bumpy or the train gets a little too close to the edge, I can gather my resources, dig deep and steer back to smoother trails.  Along the way I can enjoy what is pleasurable to ME:  my family, my friends, my hobbies and passions and I can turn to them at any time.

To those of you who jumped on board this year, thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I have said time and again to those close to me, that I had no idea how much Let ME Out would help me in my quest to help others live passionate lives.  I’m truly grateful for your support in this!  I’ve got big plans for you and me, so hang on for some more adventures in 2012.

Here is a look back at the last half of 2011, from the time Let ME Out debuted until now.  Dear Readers, here are your top 10 posts of the year!

1.  Guest Post:  Momma Zen Visits Let ME Out and Leaves A Gift!!

2.  Shining Gifts Often Come From Dark Moments

3.  Facing My Demon

4.  The Night I Prayed My Water Wouldn’t Break!

5.  A Gratitude Giveaway:  A Signed Copy Of Dr. Susan Biali’s Book!!

6.  Revelations On A Dance Floor

7.  And So It Begins…

8.  Try-This Tuesday:  Make A List

9.  Ask And Ye Shall Receive:  It Really Works!!

10.  You’ll Never Believe Who I Met Yesterday!!

Do you have any favourite Let ME Out moments you’d like to share with us?

Wherever you are when the clock strikes twelve, I hope you are safe, happy, surrounded by love and ready for a fabulous 2012!