I wrote about NaNoWriMo, NaBloPoMo and the 30-Day Yoga Challenge some time back.  I didn’t even know about Picture Book Idea Month (PiBoIdMo) until I stumbled upon it on Elizabeth’s blog!  And then there’s the To Be Read (TBR) Pile Challenge that I found on Tia’s blog!  What else am I missing out on?  Is there some kind of Cook A Different Meal Every Day For A Month challenge?  I won’t even try to figure out what that would be shortened to.

My point is, they’re out there and there may be one that interests YOU.

I just signed up for this today! Follow my challenge at The Finer Things In Life!

If you’re like me then you’re a little gun-shy to sign up for something you may not be able to carry out perfectly or completely.  I think this has become a subconscious block for me born from my love-hate relationship with resolutions, New Year’s or otherwise.  So I got a little Wayne Dyer on myself and remembered, “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”  The drill-sergeant resolution has now become a self-loving commitment (and if this sits well with you, see my upcoming workshop).  And a year-long challenge to read and review 12 books is merely a commitment to fun and writing practice, to be molded and shaped so it fits me like a pair of lululemons.  Nothing more and nothing less.  By this I mean, a commitment to myself is not something to be taken lightly but it also should not become the very thing with which I end up clubbing myself to the ground.  You know what I’m talking about.

So, here’s a thought.  Poke around a little in cyber-space and see what you find.  Then give it your own spin or do it the way it was intended – whatever suits YOU.  Is the reading challenge intriguing because you’ve been meaning to tackle your to be read list but you don’t want to blog about them?  Fine!  Grab a few lit-loving friends and set up your own challenge – hey, wait, isn’t that called a book club?  Great!  Start a book club!

What could you do if you love taking photos?  What kinds of commitments can you make in 2012 to keep this passion alive and well?

Do you know of other creative challenges out there that you can share with us?  I would love to learn about more!  Also, what do you see as your blocks – what makes you nervous about taking on a challenge?  If you shy away from them, why?  These are all great things to consider as we say goodbye to another year and keep marching on!